The trend of having acrylic nails is not going away any time soon. They must be maintained the same way as any other type of nail. Due to their superior toughness, many assume they don't require any maintenance. Learning proper maintenance for acrylic nails helps extend their useful life and prevent damage to your natural nails.
This post will reveal the key to maintaining acrylic nails for an extended period. Take a look below!
1. Figure Out What Length Is Best for You!
What works for one person may not be appropriate for your daily routine because everyone has different responsibilities. For instance, long nails are not a good choice if your profession is physically demanding on your hands. If your everyday tasks are rigorous, you should avoid wearing nails that extend more than 1.3 millimeters above your natural nails since they are prone to chipping and breaking.
2. Work with Waterproof Gloves
Your acrylic nails may become brittle and loose if you expose them to water. Waterproof gloves protect hands from getting wet and chipped while completing household duties.
3. Use oil to preserve nail moisture.
A lack of regular moisturizing causes acrylic nails to harden and crack. The likelihood of their breaking is raised as a result of this. Nail flexibility can be improved by using nail oil twice or three times a day, starting with just two drops.
4. Keep Your Nails Clean
If your nails aren't properly cleaned, dirt and germs will accumulate and weaken them. Clean them with warm water with a little light soap. If you have cheap acrylic nails Lubbock, TX, you should clean the tops and undersides using a soft, brittle nail brush to eliminate any dirt and germs that may have accumulated. Use a soft towel to dry your nails after cleaning them to stop the spread of bacteria and fungus. Warm air dryers should never be used. Moisturizers are great for the skin and cuticles since they help to reduce dryness.
5. Never Repair Acrylic Nails Yourself
Do not try to mend a broken or chipped nail; doing so might worsen the problem. Visit a professional nail expert, and get it fixed.
6. Retouch every 2–3 weeks.
Keep your acrylic nails looking excellent with regular touch-ups every two to three weeks. To get your nails touched up professionally, see a nail specialist.
7. After Three Weeks, Remove Acrylic Nails
It is recommended that you visit your specialist every three weeks to get your nails removed. Do not try to clear your nails, even if they look loose, as doing so might damage the natural nail. A week should pass after you remove artificial nails before you apply new acrylics or gel paint. To keep germs from forming in your nail, you should get your natural nails filled, clipped, and treated. Natural nails, skin, and cuticles all benefit from regular moisturizing.
Wrapping Up
If you follow all of the above advice, maintaining your acrylic nails should be a pleasure. However, if you want your nails to last longer, you should schedule an appointment with a professional nail salon Lubbock, TX.